Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Based in Switzerland
Fashion Accessoires Trends
Die Jenna Slingback Heels sind hochhackige Schuhe mit einem stilvollen Slingback-Design. Diese Schuhe zeichnen sich durch eine transparente Riemchen und eine beige geflochtene Blumendekoration auf der Zehenpartie aus, die einen Hauch von Eleganz und Raffinesse verleiht. Der Absatz ist farblich auf den Schuh abgestimmt, und die spitze Zehenpartie sorgt für eine schlanke Silhouette. Diese Schuhe sind in den Farben Blau, Braun und Schwarz erhältlich und sind die perfekte Wahl für besondere Anlasse.
“Absolutely loved it. The fit, the quality and the color. This is a slim fit jeans like none other and the only one I will buy.”
— Susan P.
perfect !
“ The most comfortable shoes ever!! I have them in 3 colors. And I am not done. "
— Jaycie Glove
" I love RubyRue! They're one of my favorite brands. Customer service is excellent. I have only returned items once and it was so easy. "
— Kai Felix
I have this bag already in 2 colors. Absolutly love the quality and it just fits to every outfit. And delivery is really quick. Cant wait to buy the nex one.
Sara P.
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